What does it mean to let go?

The topic of letting go has come up multiple times this week. Several friends have told me that this year was a good year for learning how to let go more. So that got me thinking…. what does it actually mean to let go?

First thought – I think of Sylvester Stallone holding on to a man in cliffhanger, trying to save his life. The mans glove loosens and he falls to his demise. Is that letting go?

Second thought – On an episode of Gotham, Jim Gordon let’s Barbara, his ex-fiancee, while trying to save her from falling out of a window. Only difference is she was originally trying to kill him. She went insane and this time letting go was releasing her from the wrong turn her life had come to be.

Third thought – a song written by DeWayne Woods called, Let Go:

As soon as I stop worrying,
Worrying how the story ends.
When I let go and I let God
Let God have his way
That’s when things start happening
When I stopped looking at back then

These reflections taught me several things

  1. Sometimes it is critical for us to hold on. Maybe not for our own sake, but for the sake of another. Possibly someone else is really in need of our help we need to keep a tight grasp and not let them go.
  2. Sometimes we hold to something we shouldn’t. Things that have a strong sentiment from the past can be hard to let go of. It takes a lot of courage and wisdom to realize when something is no longer good for us. We might be wasting a lot energy trying to hold on. That energy could be put into something else.
  3. Letting go means facing what is – now. I sometimes fill my mind with thoughts about “what if.” There are too many possibilities to sort through. The possibilities of possibilities jumble my mind and create anxiety. In order to let go I need to

take a breath,
acknowledge the fact that things may not go right in the end,
consider what has gone right up to this point,
be grateful for that,
remind myself of my purpose and focus,
then move forward with what I can do right now,

The hardest part for me is acknowledging that things may go all wrong in the end. Is it the same for you?

Let me know your thoughts.

In the mean time, here are some handpicked shares to make you think even more.


Attituning: Mind


What will you tell others

A short snippet meant for marketers, but interesting to think about in our own daily life.

via sethgodin.typepad.com

Spot that contingency

“Hundreds of psychology studies have proven that we tend to overestimate the importance of events we can easily recall and underestimate the importance of events we have trouble recalling.” Making a contingency table is a good way to discover where you are making assumptions or are misguided in your thinking. 

via jamesclear.com

Tune in to that inner voice

Listen to your inner voice. Not only is it there to protect you, but it can guide you toward people, places, information, and ideas that can transform your life.”

via tinybuddah.com

Attituning: Body

How to get back in tune with your body

Being aware of your physical self is also important. Learning how to tune in to what your body needs takes effort and action. Practicing tai chi has been an excellent exercise for me to tune into my body. Other ideas to consider: getting a massage, taking a brisk walk in nature, acupuncture and many more.

via mindbodygreen.com

The breath that takes your cake cravings away

I never thought about using breathing exercises to curb cravings. Well, apparently there is a way.

via mindbodygreen.com 

Attituning: Location independence

Finding time to blog and write

I’ve met quite a few people who tell me they want to start a blog one day. For some reason they never do. I’m putting together a new course on creating a website or blog easily, called Make. WordPress. Simple. I’m pretty sure people will respond with the challenge, “I would do it if I had the time.” Well this post from problogger might help.

via problogger.net

Yoga by JetBlue

Interesting offering by the JetBlue team. They are now having free yoga sessions at JFK airport.

via mindbodygreen.com


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Keep tuning


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