How to get started with stress mastery without leaving your cubicle


I’m going to be super straightforward here.

Your worries about stress don’t have to do with stress at all. Stress is your body’s response to some change, problem or transition. It is meant to keep you safe from harm or gear up for a task at hand.

So why do I feel so bad when you say “I’m stressed?” Good Question.

Society has painted a picture that stress is something we should be battling against, beating or destroying. This is all wrong.

Thankfully we have people like Kelly McGonigal finding research that helps dispel this propaganda. If you have a minute watch her TED talk on making stress your friend.

[ted id=1815 lang=zh-cn]

How do I get started with Mastering my Stress without leaving my cubicle?

This is why you are reading this post, right. You want to know how to become a stress master without having leave your cozy cubicle. I will share 3 things that I actively do to keep my stress levels under control.

Tactic 1. Stop working every 50 – 80 minutes.

I pulse my work/rest cycles throughout the day so that my body has time to recover and refresh itself. This is not only beneficial for my body, but also for my mind. A cycle of work and rest helps keep your body from going into distress.

Tactic 2. Focus on my breath.

Almost every guide on relaxation will tell you to breath in a certain way. It is an effective way for me to relieve tension. It also gives me something to focus on

Bang my head on the desk.

Just kidding. Please don’t do this.

Tactic 3. Make some tea.

The art of making tea helps me get focused. It also creates the space and time needed to let my mind think about things in a different way. I can always invite someone to come over and join me for tea. It’s an invitation for dialogue.

Don’t stop with just doing things in your cubicle.

Mastering your stress is not about only doing certain things. You must go through the process of really understanding and becoming familiar with your relationship to stress. Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Worry, Doubt… All these things are connected with the mastery of self. In addition to trying the tactics above, also consider these steps:

  1. Tune IN to your stressors
  2. Tune IN to your purpose for doing what your doing
  3. Retune your perspective and story
  4. Retune your fears and worries
  5. Tune up your confidence to ask for what you need
  6. Tune up your abilities to be more productive

Want to know how to do these things? I think you would like my attituning program. Subscribe to my newsletter to stay up to date about it’s development.

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